#138: How to use reflection for ongoing recovery



Don’t skip on today’s episode companion guide! Get it here.

Do you have vivid memories of times of mental illness? If you’re like most people, the thought of being sick is something you can’t wait to forget. The agony of distress, the numbness of depression… there are so many cringe-worthy days when you have bipolar disorder! But could it be that you’re really shooting yourself in the foot if your approach is to just dismiss these events as quickly as possible and move on?

Today’s episode of The Bipolar Now Podcast tackles fear and ignorance head on, and shows you how to set up something that will take the sting out of going through manic depression. It’s called a “reflective practice” and once you get it going, your problems with mental illness become less nightmarish and more simple to respond to so you can get on with moving forward.

You don’t want to miss it!


Listen to the podcast:



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  • Reflection is a weekly or daily practice that allows you to process hurts, fears, and frustrations as well as progress.
  • Reflections are most powerful when structured around consistent question-asking.
  •  One of the greatest benefits of having a reflective practice is “emotional mobility”. This allows you to feel the worst that manic depression can generate, and yet be free to chose your own response.



Lifer Discussion Guide

Use the questions in today’s Lifer Guide to assist you over any hurdles you may have to clear as you address your mental health. These are special conversations!

“Lifers” are people who have unwavering faithfulness. This assures you that they’ll stick by you through all the highs and lows that are normal for a life with mental health challenges. If you haven’t nominated a lifelong family member or friend as part of your non-medical support team, what are you waiting for? :-)


The Questions

1) How often do you catch yourself reflecting on the past?

2) When you do this kind of reflection, do your thoughts tend to be positive, negative or neutral toward the past?

3) Do you tend to avoid processing difficult thoughts about your mental health? What is your approach to reflection, specifically about manic depressive episodes and effects?

4) What was your impression of the weekly structured reflection that Mike talked about in the podcast?


Join the Tribe!

Once you’ve had a chance to talk or journal about these things you might have a question from this episode. If so, make sure you head on over to The Bipolar Now Podcast Group on Facebook! There’s quite a few people over there who are also taking a new step in their mental health. And we’d love for you to share your story with us when you’re ready. So don’t miss out!


Don't let another week escape without establishing a powerful reflective practice! Use this visual guide and checklist to give you step-by-step instructions.


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