#83 When it Comes to Suicideā€¦

crisis discernment prevention Oct 27, 2020
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When it comes to mental illness, nothing is more logical (or final) than attempting to take your own life. This is what everyone around you is most concerned about when things aren’t going well. And who could really blame them?

If you’ve got a bipolar disorder, your likelihood of attempting or completing suicide is dramatically higher than the general population.

On today’s episode of The Bipolar Now Podcast, Mike shares his story of nearly ending his life, and some helpful insights on how to recover from the ideations.

The drama that sometimes accompanies bipolar disorder gives friends and family something to worry about.

This show will help explain how to build a new life when the unthinkable tempts you to carry it out.


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  • Continual cover ups for your mental health can cause a bottleneck for your emotions, which may boil and explode if not released.

  • Suicidal ideation is normal when you have a bipolar disorder. It can create a fantasy world where you are free from the burdens of this life, or it can feel like an attractive void where you go to become nobody.

  • When living with bipolar disorder, remember to be understanding, compassionate, and full of forgiveness for others, so that when the time comes you can be this way for yourself as well.


Lifer Discussion Guide

There is no Lifer guide for this episode, but you can use the stories in this episode to open up a conversation this week. “Lifers” are special people who have the kind of faithfulness to you that assures you they’ll be there when called upon. If you haven’t nominated a Lifer as part of your non-medical support team, what are you waiting for? :-)


Join the Tribe!

Once you’ve had a chance to talk or journal about these things you might have a question from this episode. If so, make sure you head on over to The Bipolar Now Podcast Network on Facebook! There’s quite a few people over there who are also taking a new step in their mental health. And we’d love for you to share your story with us when you’re ready. So don’t miss out!


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